Welcome to the website of Maor cattery, noble breed of Ragdolls

Our cattery of Ragdolls was established in 2019, under the international organization FIFE and we are a member of Friendly cat club - Prague.

Welcome to our website. We are a ragdoll kennel in the small village of Čelechovice in the Kladno district. I always dreamed of having a cat in my apartment, but because I travelled and moved around a lot, I didn't get my first cat until after I settled down. This noble and beautiful breed caught my eye not only because of the way it looks, but mainly because of its friendly nature and beautiful eye coloring. After careful consideration and studying about this breed, I purchased my first breeding cat from Poland - Maggie. Six months after that, our breeding cat Ducati came to us from Sweden. Maggie and Ducati was our first breeding pair. They both have a wonderful ragdoll temperament, are friendly and perpetually good natured. Our breeding animals are genetically tested for HCM, PKD, FiV and Felv plus blood type. We pride ourselves on making sure our cats, kittens and cats are healthy so they can make other people happy.